Manse Moving Along

Parker Place Emerging

Parker Place is taking shape to look like a house! The building is going on 6 to 7 days a week. The structure has emerged in the last two weeks.

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Taking Shape

Parker Place Build Moving Forward

While awaiting final state approval of the bulding permit, land clearing has begun for the manse.

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Bid Solicitation
Keys Weekly

Request for bids published in the Keys Weekly 6/15, 6/22, 6/29 with a bid deadline of 7/22/23. Bid requirements:

Builder Engagement
Choosing a builder for the manse

Total Quality Restoration, Inc. was unanimously approved by session at their September 20, 2023 meeting to be the builder for Parker Place. The building committee, composed of Richard Hubbard and Lynn Landry, presented their recommendations to session, after reviewing three builders, two of whom provided bids. While the committee agreed that both builders would produce a quality product for roughly the same price, Lynn and Richard each came to the independent decision to recommend to session Total Quality Restoration, Inc. 

Proposal Updated Timeline


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