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As we get ready to move into September, I will be celebrating three years here at Kirk of the Keys as your Transitional Pastor.  We have walked through many changes in our three years together as we’ve worked through a process of understanding all this congregation has been through and worked on healing from the hurts and frustrations that caused this congregation great pain.

When I began my ministry here, I’m not sure everyone fully understood what was going to happen, how long I would be staying, or exactly what I would be doing.  Some thought that I would only be here for a year to fill in until you get your next pastor, others didn’t realize that I would be doing everything a regular pastor does, while specifically working for the healing and stabilizing of the Kirk Family, so you would eventually be ready to elect and receive your next pastor.

          While my original contract was for one year, it was renewable annually until the session, the presbytery, and myself agreed that all the issues were dealt with, and the healing was progressing to the point when this congregation would be ready to move forward.  Over this past year we have all agreed that the time had come to begin the process of finding your next pastor.  Congratulations!  You have all done great work and I am so very proud of the risks you took, the humility you walked in, and your readiness to do what needed to be done to be the church God has called and purposed you to be.

          In a typical week, I have worked 50 to 55 hours planning the worship services, preparing sermons, doing pastoral care and counseling, organizing missions, preparing and ministering devotionals and Bible studies, serving on the Florida Presbytery Ministry Partnership Team, meeting with other pastors in our community, giving time, counsel, and comfort to our “Coasties” in three locations as a USCG Auxiliary Chaplain (as well as taking the qualifying and ongoing training classes that were required of me for this volunteer position), and building relationships with people outside the Kirk to enjoy a full life in the community and have a platform through which Karin and I could share our witness of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible.

          While our session has adopted a new vision and mission for the Kirk, which your new pastor will be expected to honor, they will have their own spiritual gifts, callings, and interests that God has given to them, and we are working diligently to ensure that he/she will be the best fit possible for this congregation in every way so there will be no replays of previous problems.  I will continue to be here throughout the process, advising the Session and the Pastor Nominating Team, as well as networking with my connections in ECO and in the wider church world to identify the best candidates to lead you forward into God’s best for you.

          Please keep us in your prayers and continue to share whatever wisdom God gives you to share with us, helping us all to move forward into God’s ongoing plan and purpose for this wonderful congregation that I have grown to love with all my heart.